What is Pwnageamificated?
The act of totally owning someone, used when the word
The means of literally ripping someone a new one in the virtual world of gaming, only seen used in world of warcraft.
To own someone so bad that the victim had no idea what was happening at the time and was not 1337 enough to counter attack in time.
Anistatic:dude you see that lvl4 beat that lvl6 in a duel with out getting hit once?
Pyrostream:totally, that guy just got pwnageamificated.
The act of totally owning someone, used when the word
The means of literally ripping someone a new one in the virtual world of gaming, only seen used in world of warcraft.
To own someone so bad that the victim had no idea what was happening at the time and was not 1337 enough to counter attack in time.
Anistatic:dude you see that lvl4 beat that lvl6 in a duel with out getting hit once?
Pyrostream:totally, that guy just got pwnageamificated.