
What is Pwning?


To own someone to such an extent that neither an O or a 0 can express it. Started off as a typo by moron skript kiddies.

i'm going to pwn j00.

you got pwnz0rd!


misspelling of "owning" another due to 1)the close proximity of "P" and "O" and 2)the disregard of gamers to proper spelling while getting " fragged" that has come to mean "complete and utter domination" within the 1337circles

other uses:

I pwned you



Like 0wning, but better.

Wow irc.gamesnet #v76 is really pwning today!

See pwner


ownage to a greater extent

in halo 2 owning would be throwing a granade into a room and killing someone.

pwning would be driving the whole damn scorpian tank in for the kill. (coag level)

See pwnd


pwning is the complete and utter ownage of a noob or player in halo 3, or any halo game in the triology. the act of pwing consists of 1 shot kills,head shots,or incredible sticks or grenade chucks

yo i am just pwning these nubs in halo, i stuck one from across the board.

DOUBLE KILL!!! i am just pwning these kids, w000t

See killed, powned, pwn, owning, massacre, beat, destroyed


pwning=owning. just replace the o with a p. its that simple.

i SO pwned you in Halo 2 last night.


Present tense of "pwn". Posessing. Marking as one's belonging. Especially when marked in the manner of a dog marking HIS belongings.

Script-kidding misspelling of "owning".

He is so pwning j00r 455!


To own someone to such an extent that neither an O or a 0 can express it. Started off as a typo by moron skript kiddies.

i'm going to pwn j00.

you got pwnz0rd!


misspelling of "owning" another due to 1)the close proximity of "P" and "O" and 2)the disregard of gamers to proper spelling while getting " fragged" that has come to mean "complete and utter domination" within the 1337circles

other uses:

I pwned you



Like 0wning, but better.

Wow irc.gamesnet #v76 is really pwning today!

See pwner


ownage to a greater extent

in halo 2 owning would be throwing a granade into a room and killing someone.

pwning would be driving the whole damn scorpian tank in for the kill. (coag level)

See pwnd


pwning is the complete and utter ownage of a noob or player in halo 3, or any halo game in the triology. the act of pwing consists of 1 shot kills,head shots,or incredible sticks or grenade chucks

yo i am just pwning these nubs in halo, i stuck one from across the board.

DOUBLE KILL!!! i am just pwning these kids, w000t

See killed, powned, pwn, owning, massacre, beat, destroyed


pwning=owning. just replace the o with a p. its that simple.

i SO pwned you in Halo 2 last night.


Present tense of "pwn". Posessing. Marking as one's belonging. Especially when marked in the manner of a dog marking HIS belongings.

Script-kidding misspelling of "owning".

He is so pwning j00r 455!


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