
What is Pyongyang?


The capital of North Korea, also world's largest themepark. No-one actually goes there though, except a small number of tourists each year. The "streets" are empty as a movie set

The capital Pyongyang is not like any other place in the world. The whole city is like a giant communist themepark.

See communism, north korea, empty


Capital city of North Korea located along the Taedong River. City in which Kim Jong-ilresides and favors heavily. Although he is the leader of North Korea, he remains ignorant to the rest of his country, allowing them to starve, while spending a hefty sum of money on Cognac. This is the capital city of a Communist dictatorship

Pyongyang is home to the midget dictator of North Korea

See kim jong-il, north korea, poverty, starvation, oppression


The capital of North Korea, also world's largest themepark. No-one actually goes there though, except a small number of tourists each year. The "streets" are empty as a movie set

The capital Pyongyang is not like any other place in the world. The whole city is like a giant communist themepark.

See communism, north korea, empty


Capital city of North Korea located along the Taedong River. City in which Kim Jong-ilresides and favors heavily. Although he is the leader of North Korea, he remains ignorant to the rest of his country, allowing them to starve, while spending a hefty sum of money on Cognac. This is the capital city of a Communist dictatorship

Pyongyang is home to the midget dictator of North Korea

See kim jong-il, north korea, poverty, starvation, oppression


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