What is Pyro-necro-masochism.?



Necro- dead, or having sex with dead people

Masochism- enjoying self harm

pyro-necro-masochist: lighting dead bodies on fire while having sex with them and enjoying you're self as you burn with that dead body.

Guy: So I was lighting dead bodies on fire and this guy came and asked if he can have sex with them

Dude: Dude, that guy must be into pyro-necro-masochism.

See pyro, necro, masochist, masochism, dead, fires, self harm, sex, necrophilia, pyromania



Necro- dead, or having sex with dead people

Masochism- enjoying self harm

pyro-necro-masochist: lighting dead bodies on fire while having sex with them and enjoying you're self as you burn with that dead body.

Guy: So I was lighting dead bodies on fire and this guy came and asked if he can have sex with them

Dude: Dude, that guy must be into pyro-necro-masochism.

See pyro, necro, masochist, masochism, dead, fires, self harm, sex, necrophilia, pyromania


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