What is Q T?


shortened way to say cutie

talk to you later qt


Somewhat secretive in nature. A deal or situation that few, if any, should know about. Otherwise, quiet.

Yeah, we'll keep it on the q t.

See Dave


Quick Trip gas stations in St. Louis mo. They used to have awesome sandwiches for a dollar, but then they jacked the prices. Plus its a police sub station. I miss the old variety of sandwiches.

"Let's hit up q t on a munchie run, plus I need gas."

See qt, gas station, q t


something really nice, sexy

my girl is really q t

See cute, nice, sexy, pleasant, awesome


shortened way to say cutie

talk to you later qt


Somewhat secretive in nature. A deal or situation that few, if any, should know about. Otherwise, quiet.

Yeah, we'll keep it on the q t.

See Dave


Quick Trip gas stations in St. Louis mo. They used to have awesome sandwiches for a dollar, but then they jacked the prices. Plus its a police sub station. I miss the old variety of sandwiches.

"Let's hit up q t on a munchie run, plus I need gas."

See qt, gas station, q t


something really nice, sexy

my girl is really q t

See cute, nice, sexy, pleasant, awesome


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