
What is Q'apla?


Klingon for 'success'.

What Klingons wish each other before battle or other critical situations. As

a) Klingons are always before battle and

b) Klingon has no words for 'Hi, have a nice day' q'apla is also used as a normal greeting.

None. Q'apla. is always used in a one word sentnece only (and usually shouted).

Warrior A: Q'apla!

Warrior B: Q'apla!

Warrior C-Z: Q'apla!

See klingon, success, greeting, hello, hi


Klingon for 'success'.

What Klingons wish each other before battle or other critical situations. As

a) Klingons are always before battle and

b) Klingon has no words for 'Hi, have a nice day' q'apla is also used as a normal greeting.

None. Q'apla. is always used in a one word sentnece only (and usually shouted).

Warrior A: Q'apla!

Warrior B: Q'apla!

Warrior C-Z: Q'apla!

See klingon, success, greeting, hello, hi


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