What is Qbc?
Queer By Choice, meaning that someone is homosexual by choice. When someone chooses to no longer be heterosexual.
He is qbc. She is qbc.
Meaning the 'Quizilla Bandfic Clique', the QBC are a group of talented writers on the quiz website Quizilla. The writers within the QBC generally write slash fiction, mostly concerning members of bands from the Fueled By Ramen/Decaydance record labels.
QBC member one: Have you written any new bandfic's recently?
QBC member two: Pshyeah, course I have! I wrote a Joncer one, with some Ryden going on behind the main storyline.
QBC member one: Cool.
Queer By Choice, meaning that someone is homosexual by choice. When someone chooses to no longer be heterosexual.
He is qbc. She is qbc.
Meaning the 'Quizilla Bandfic Clique', the QBC are a group of talented writers on the quiz website Quizilla. The writers within the QBC generally write slash fiction, mostly concerning members of bands from the Fueled By Ramen/Decaydance record labels.
QBC member one: Have you written any new bandfic's recently?
QBC member two: Pshyeah, course I have! I wrote a Joncer one, with some Ryden going on behind the main storyline.
QBC member one: Cool.