
What is Qcf?


Term used in the fighting game community, mostly among old school SF and KOF players.

QCF stood for Quarter Cirlce Forward, and was a term used to denote joystick input that would cause your character to perform special moves.

To throw Ryu's fireball, motion the joystick QCF and press a punch button.

See qcf, hcf, hcb, dragon punch


Term used in the fighting game community, mostly among old school SF and KOF players.

QCF stood for Quarter Cirlce Forward, and was a term used to denote joystick input that would cause your character to perform special moves.

To throw Ryu's fireball, motion the joystick QCF and press a punch button.

See qcf, hcf, hcb, dragon punch


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