
What is Q-faced?


Being so utterly drunk that the pavement that you smack your head when you fall off of a bike does not hurt you; and or not being able to stand up for more than one second. Derived from CQ,the famous guitarist.

Man that kid was fucking Q-Faced last night, he didnt feel a thing when he fell off that bike.

See plastered, bombed, drunk, hammered, wasted, messed


Being so utterly drunk that the pavement that you smack your head when you fall off of a bike does not hurt you; and or not being able to stand up for more than one second. Derived from CQ,the famous guitarist.

Man that kid was fucking Q-Faced last night, he didnt feel a thing when he fell off that bike.

See plastered, bombed, drunk, hammered, wasted, messed


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