
What is Q-job?


An incredibly dangerous, and unimaginably pleasurable sexual position,

Considered by authorities to be simply an urban myth.

The details are unknown.

There are six people confirmed to have survived a Q-job, three are insane,

Two are currently off-the-grid,

The sixth is actor Sean Connery.

I hear Heath Ledger received a Q-Job the night before it happened

They say the Q-Job was discovered in the city of Sodom, right before it was destroyed

"She shtarted performenk ah Q-job on meh,

I shaid 'I musht be dreamenk'"

Actor Sean Connery on the Q-Job

See sex, crazy, death, urban legend


An incredibly dangerous, and unimaginably pleasurable sexual position,

Considered by authorities to be simply an urban myth.

The details are unknown.

There are six people confirmed to have survived a Q-job, three are insane,

Two are currently off-the-grid,

The sixth is actor Sean Connery.

I hear Heath Ledger received a Q-Job the night before it happened

They say the Q-Job was discovered in the city of Sodom, right before it was destroyed

"She shtarted performenk ah Q-job on meh,

I shaid 'I musht be dreamenk'"

Actor Sean Connery on the Q-Job

See sex, crazy, death, urban legend


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