
What is Qlr?


Queen's Lancashire Regiment: Regiment of the British Army. It recruits around the area Lancashire and is infamous for scandalous shannanigans during the Iraq war. There are two QLR detachments in Merseyside ACF, sometimes referred to as the Queers Lesbians and Rapists, who to this day persist in being hated, mainly for being dirty wools (woolybacks) from St. Helens where everyone is family (dirty in-breds).

"I was once in QLR... but my cap badge and beret began to stink of cheese (we wonder why haha)"

"Am a wool me from't QLR in Sernt Ellens n i wear cheese behind cap badge dornt i"

"Eee ya a load of QLRs (Queers Lesbians and Rapists)"


Queen's Lancashire Regiment: Regiment of the British Army. It recruits around the area Lancashire and is infamous for scandalous shannanigans during the Iraq war. There are two QLR detachments in Merseyside ACF, sometimes referred to as the Queers Lesbians and Rapists, who to this day persist in being hated, mainly for being dirty wools (woolybacks) from St. Helens where everyone is family (dirty in-breds).

"I was once in QLR... but my cap badge and beret began to stink of cheese (we wonder why haha)"

"Am a wool me from't QLR in Sernt Ellens n i wear cheese behind cap badge dornt i"

"Eee ya a load of QLRs (Queers Lesbians and Rapists)"


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