
What is Qmfff?


used to expression the liking of a guy over a girl in most case it is rarely used to imply the opposite. it is also used a delusional moment when the person prouncing it knows that a relationship can never take place with the other girl. i.e. it is only going to remain a delusion therefore a state in the mind of the individual ! this word was enginerred by myself chris :)

example girl a says: hi chris how are you

guy goes up to his friend and this him : qmfff aint gona happen most probably ale but i am enjoying the delusion anyhow :>

See delusions, girls, relationship, lars, chris, qmfff


used to expression the liking of a guy over a girl in most case it is rarely used to imply the opposite. it is also used a delusional moment when the person prouncing it knows that a relationship can never take place with the other girl. i.e. it is only going to remain a delusion therefore a state in the mind of the individual ! this word was enginerred by myself chris :)

example girl a says: hi chris how are you

guy goes up to his friend and this him : qmfff aint gona happen most probably ale but i am enjoying the delusion anyhow :>

See delusions, girls, relationship, lars, chris, qmfff


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