
What is Qnd?


Quick and dirty

I didn't have much time, so I had to give your mom the QnD.

See quick, sex, q&d


quality nade dawson. a poorly thrown grenade or flashbang in the game of counter strike which either kills a team mate or flashbangs a team mate. made famous by nick dawson aka sMokin

i was running into B about to take out a terrorist and next thing i know my screen is white i got QND'ed by nick again :(

See qnd, smokin


Quick and dirty

I didn't have much time, so I had to give your mom the QnD.

See quick, sex, q&d


quality nade dawson. a poorly thrown grenade or flashbang in the game of counter strike which either kills a team mate or flashbangs a team mate. made famous by nick dawson aka sMokin

i was running into B about to take out a terrorist and next thing i know my screen is white i got QND'ed by nick again :(

See qnd, smokin


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