
What is Qqirl?


Used generally on on-line, role-playing games, QQirl (the QQ meant to symbolize two crying eyes and irla reference to 'in real life) is used to communicate that the player is 'crying in real life'. This is usually not the case, unless they have absolutely no life and have adopted on-line reality as their own. At that point, I should hope they seek professional help.

OMG, that warlock pwned me! I am so going to QQirl!


Used generally on on-line, role-playing games, QQirl (the QQ meant to symbolize two crying eyes and irla reference to 'in real life) is used to communicate that the player is 'crying in real life'. This is usually not the case, unless they have absolutely no life and have adopted on-line reality as their own. At that point, I should hope they seek professional help.

OMG, that warlock pwned me! I am so going to QQirl!


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