
What is Quacked?


When quacked.co.uk links to a website sending them more traffic and website hits they can handle.

Holy shit dude your site just got quacked and is down!

See quacked, funny, traffic, ddos, serve, hits


1) you just got screwed, or something really bad just happened

2) you just got massively shut down/disgraced

3) you're whipped and your girlfriend's pulling your chain

holy shit, you just got quacked, G.


pt. Farted, let rip, guffed.

Daves arse: "QUACK!"

Anyone present: "You dirty twat"


When quacked.co.uk links to a website sending them more traffic and website hits they can handle.

Holy shit dude your site just got quacked and is down!

See quacked, funny, traffic, ddos, serve, hits


1) you just got screwed, or something really bad just happened

2) you just got massively shut down/disgraced

3) you're whipped and your girlfriend's pulling your chain

holy shit, you just got quacked, G.


pt. Farted, let rip, guffed.

Daves arse: "QUACK!"

Anyone present: "You dirty twat"


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