
What is Quaddouche?


1. (n.) One who is four times the douche of a regular douche. Sometimes a result by frequent contact with many Poo Dawgs or "poo darlos."

2. (n.) An individual who shares the characteristics of a poo dawg, but is less of a poo dawg by showing initiative, aspirations, and a will to live.

We went around our whole lives not knowing who the quaddouche was, little did we know, it was Ben all along.

See poo, dawg, douche, nozzle, dog


1. (n.) One who is four times the douche of a regular douche. Sometimes a result by frequent contact with many Poo Dawgs or "poo darlos."

2. (n.) An individual who shares the characteristics of a poo dawg, but is less of a poo dawg by showing initiative, aspirations, and a will to live.

We went around our whole lives not knowing who the quaddouche was, little did we know, it was Ben all along.

See poo, dawg, douche, nozzle, dog


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