
What is Quadrisucker?


A worthian with the ability to be awful in all four sections.

ThatGuy: Damn, now that I totally failed at that multimedia contest I'm a real quadrisucker!

See worth1000, quadrisuck, skill, ability, category


a worthian with the ability to be awfull in all 4 sections

thatguy: Damn, I'm a real quadrisucker!

See worth1000, skill, ability, category


A worthian with the ability to be awful in all four sections.

ThatGuy: Damn, now that I totally failed at that multimedia contest I'm a real quadrisucker!

See worth1000, quadrisuck, skill, ability, category


a worthian with the ability to be awfull in all 4 sections

thatguy: Damn, I'm a real quadrisucker!

See worth1000, skill, ability, category


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