
What is Quaide?


1) One in which has an unbelievable skill in the hustlin' field.

2) A human being greater than any other single person belonging to the human family.

3) Synonym- Excellent

1) DANG George, look at the Quaide sellin AIDs to Africa, he sure can hustle.

2) Wow, that Quaide totally just made me look a complete idiot with his amazinly bodaicous intellect.

3) Person A:How you doing today?

Person B:Thanks for asking, I'm quite Quaide!

See quaide, baller, hustlin, hustler, excellent, smart


1) One in which has an unbelievable skill in the hustlin' field.

2) A human being greater than any other single person belonging to the human family.

3) Synonym- Excellent

1) DANG George, look at the Quaide sellin AIDs to Africa, he sure can hustle.

2) Wow, that Quaide totally just made me look a complete idiot with his amazinly bodaicous intellect.

3) Person A:How you doing today?

Person B:Thanks for asking, I'm quite Quaide!

See quaide, baller, hustlin, hustler, excellent, smart


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