Quaite Naice!

What is Quaite Naice!?


An expression of approval uttered by one of the characters created by BENNY HILL, a brilliant COMEDIAN who in his later years was more appreciated in the USA than in his native BRITAIN.

(Hasten, ye friendly Americans, to your local dvd store and make insistent enquiries.)

I'd never imbibed before; but I tried a small GIN-AND-TONIC - and it was QUAITE NAICE!

I lived quietly and happily with mai mother in Surbiton, then when ai was 42 ai went on a date with ai WOMAN and it was QUAITE NAICE!

See cheerful


An expression of approval uttered by one of the characters created by BENNY HILL, a brilliant COMEDIAN who in his later years was more appreciated in the USA than in his native BRITAIN.

(Hasten, ye friendly Americans, to your local dvd store and make insistent enquiries.)

I'd never imbibed before; but I tried a small GIN-AND-TONIC - and it was QUAITE NAICE!

I lived quietly and happily with mai mother in Surbiton, then when ai was 42 ai went on a date with ai WOMAN and it was QUAITE NAICE!

See cheerful


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