Quake Monkey

What is Quake Monkey?


A player from Quake, or Unreal Tournament in some cases. Cares about nothing except themselves and their scores. Often (ALL THE TIME) ruins actually good games, such as Battlefield 1942 or Operation Flashpoint by not working as a team.

"Quake Monkeys should be legally restricted from other games."

"That Quake Monkey doesn't know the meaning of team."

See Brian


A guy who shoots people because a video game tells him to.

damn, eric and dylan are a bunch of QUAKE MONKEYS


A player from Quake, or Unreal Tournament in some cases. Cares about nothing except themselves and their scores. Often (ALL THE TIME) ruins actually good games, such as Battlefield 1942 or Operation Flashpoint by not working as a team.

"Quake Monkeys should be legally restricted from other games."

"That Quake Monkey doesn't know the meaning of team."

See Brian


A guy who shoots people because a video game tells him to.

damn, eric and dylan are a bunch of QUAKE MONKEYS


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