
What is Quaker?


A protestant christan that has strong non-violence belifs.

Quakers have been in America for all of its history and many infulential quakers have shaped our land today.


Quakerism originated in mid-17th century England, originally as a break-away branch of Puritanism. George Fox (1624-1691), an English preacher, founded the Society of Friends, whose open structure reflects his aversion to church hierarchy and titles. Fox held that the “Inner Light,” the inspiring presence of God in each person, stands above Scripture and creed. This belief resonates through Quakerism despite a fairly wide variety of practices.

Quaker beliefs include the emphasis on plain speech and dress; opposition to slavery and war; and the refusal to swear oaths, which Quakers believe undermine the daily mandate for truth-telling. Many early feminists and abolitionists were Quakers, and a strong social ethic continues to pervade the work of the American Friends Service Committee, which shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947.

Quakers, who often met persecution for their beliefs, have also been champions of religious freedom. English Quaker William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a "holy experiment," a refuge for Quakers and other religious minorities.

Quaker congregations are called meetings, which range from structured services led by ministers to open sessions where participants speak when inspired by their own Inner Light. Major Quaker umbrella organizations are the Friends General Conference of Philadelphia and Friends United Meeting, based in Richmond, Ind.

(CTONN)EH BTNH look at that quaker (BTNH) yo where i didnt eat breakfest nigger i think i gots some milk (CTONN) i dont mean Quaker oats the cereal retard (BTNH)OH then what (CTONN) the quaker look at him the guy walks like he has hemroids (BTNH) ha ha ha ha ha ha good one wanna go rob his ass (CTONN) SURE why not (BTNH) AFter we will stick a giant tube of hemroid cream up that QUAKERS ASS



The most peacefull of all Christian sects. Highly non-violent and actually are throughout history. They believe in the true Christian ethics without all the hierarchal greed for power nor hypocritical. They respect other religions as well and don't try to convert you or say you'll go to hell if you go against their beliefs. Also a brand of cereal.

"Quakers are a peaceful people".

See quaker, peace, awesome, zeus, sparta


A quaker is a guy that is dating a girl that already has kids....Because he is trying to skip the part of crying baies and changing diapers and hospital bills. Like quaker instant outmeal.....INSTANT FAMILY

Chris is dating this hot ass chick, but she has a 13 year old kid, that fucking quaker!!!

See homewrecker, number 2, milf hunter, lazy mexican


Completely, insanely awesome.

tom: "man this party is insane"

mark: "yeah dude, it's so quaker"

See me


rich, snobby, white kid

Paris Hilton is a Quaker.

Orange County denizens in general are Quaker's.

The well to do of high society who are Caucasian have spawned Quaker whelps.

See rich, snobby, douche, jerk, snooty


A person playing Quake

Frank's a great quaker - he's got an FPMof 95!


A protestant christan that has strong non-violence belifs.

Quakers have been in America for all of its history and many infulential quakers have shaped our land today.


Quakerism originated in mid-17th century England, originally as a break-away branch of Puritanism. George Fox (1624-1691), an English preacher, founded the Society of Friends, whose open structure reflects his aversion to church hierarchy and titles. Fox held that the “Inner Light,” the inspiring presence of God in each person, stands above Scripture and creed. This belief resonates through Quakerism despite a fairly wide variety of practices.

Quaker beliefs include the emphasis on plain speech and dress; opposition to slavery and war; and the refusal to swear oaths, which Quakers believe undermine the daily mandate for truth-telling. Many early feminists and abolitionists were Quakers, and a strong social ethic continues to pervade the work of the American Friends Service Committee, which shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947.

Quakers, who often met persecution for their beliefs, have also been champions of religious freedom. English Quaker William Penn founded Pennsylvania as a "holy experiment," a refuge for Quakers and other religious minorities.

Quaker congregations are called meetings, which range from structured services led by ministers to open sessions where participants speak when inspired by their own Inner Light. Major Quaker umbrella organizations are the Friends General Conference of Philadelphia and Friends United Meeting, based in Richmond, Ind.

(CTONN)EH BTNH look at that quaker (BTNH) yo where i didnt eat breakfest nigger i think i gots some milk (CTONN) i dont mean Quaker oats the cereal retard (BTNH)OH then what (CTONN) the quaker look at him the guy walks like he has hemroids (BTNH) ha ha ha ha ha ha good one wanna go rob his ass (CTONN) SURE why not (BTNH) AFter we will stick a giant tube of hemroid cream up that QUAKERS ASS



The most peacefull of all Christian sects. Highly non-violent and actually are throughout history. They believe in the true Christian ethics without all the hierarchal greed for power nor hypocritical. They respect other religions as well and don't try to convert you or say you'll go to hell if you go against their beliefs. Also a brand of cereal.

"Quakers are a peaceful people".

See quaker, peace, awesome, zeus, sparta


A quaker is a guy that is dating a girl that already has kids....Because he is trying to skip the part of crying baies and changing diapers and hospital bills. Like quaker instant outmeal.....INSTANT FAMILY

Chris is dating this hot ass chick, but she has a 13 year old kid, that fucking quaker!!!

See homewrecker, number 2, milf hunter, lazy mexican


Completely, insanely awesome.

tom: "man this party is insane"

mark: "yeah dude, it's so quaker"

See me


rich, snobby, white kid

Paris Hilton is a Quaker.

Orange County denizens in general are Quaker's.

The well to do of high society who are Caucasian have spawned Quaker whelps.

See rich, snobby, douche, jerk, snooty


A person playing Quake

Frank's a great quaker - he's got an FPMof 95!


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