Quakeup Sex

What is Quakeup Sex?


You might have to be in California to appreciate this but when you get woken up by and earthquake and you both are so nervous and innervated that all you can do it have sex.

"I was sleeping so well then the freakish earthquake came.. I had to wake Mitchell up to get some quakeup sex just to get back to sleep...

See quake, wake, sleep


You might have to be in California to appreciate this but when you get woken up by and earthquake and you both are so nervous and innervated that all you can do it have sex.

"I was sleeping so well then the freakish earthquake came.. I had to wake Mitchell up to get some quakeup sex just to get back to sleep...

See quake, wake, sleep


You might have to be in California to appreciate this but when you get woken up by and earthquake and you both are so nervous and innervated that all you can do it have sex.

"I was sleeping so well then the freakish earthquake came.. I had to wake Mitchell up to get some quakeup sex just to get back to sleep...

See quake, wake, sleep


You might have to be in California to appreciate this but when you get woken up by and earthquake and you both are so nervous and innervated that all you can do it have sex.

"I was sleeping so well then the freakish earthquake came.. I had to wake Mitchell up to get some quakeup sex just to get back to sleep...

See quake, wake, sleep


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