What is Quality Over Quantity?


An implication to that an essay, for example, does not have to be 20 pages long if it's full of bullshit. Rather a short high-quality essay than a useless high-quantity essay.

Remember class, Quality over quantity on this paper. There's no need to write a long paper if it's filled with pointless sentences.

See philip


haveing preferance to better things, as opposed to more things.

When it comes to girls, its the opposite of beer, I pick quality over quantity


An implication to that an essay, for example, does not have to be 20 pages long if it's full of bullshit. Rather a short high-quality essay than a useless high-quantity essay.

Remember class, Quality over quantity on this paper. There's no need to write a long paper if it's filled with pointless sentences.

See philip


haveing preferance to better things, as opposed to more things.

When it comes to girls, its the opposite of beer, I pick quality over quantity


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