
What is Quance?


To freak out; be outta control; have an un-slowed roll; be utterly and ridiculously shameful without regard for anything; lacking dignity

Dude, your a total quance!

Stop quancing man, just slow your roll.

Holy quance!

See shameful, ridiculous, funny, outta control, dignity


Quance is a nother name for shiest which is also known for a rip off usually in a drug deal

Ricky C Quanced me on that sack of dank

See Dave


To freak out; be outta control; have an un-slowed roll; be utterly and ridiculously shameful without regard for anything; lacking dignity

Dude, your a total quance!

Stop quancing man, just slow your roll.

Holy quance!

See shameful, ridiculous, funny, outta control, dignity


Quance is a nother name for shiest which is also known for a rip off usually in a drug deal

Ricky C Quanced me on that sack of dank

See Dave


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