an object in mathematics defined as a set, Q, along with a binary operation, *, so that for all a, b, and c in Q, the following hold:
I. a*a = a
II. There is a unique x in q so that x*a = b
III. (a*b)*c = (a*c)*(b*c)
If Q is the integers and a*b = 2b-a, then (Q,*) is a quandle.
See math, nerd, knot, wizard
a quickie fondle
I saw her/him on the way to class and stopped for a quandle.
See quickie, sex, heavy petting, outercourse, casual sex
"quake fondle", ie. heavy pettingunder conditions of extreme cold, as to cause shivering. Often preceding sexoutside.
We quandled for hours in the snow.
See sex, outercourse, cold, outside, snow
an object in mathematics defined as a set, Q, along with a binary operation, *, so that for all a, b, and c in Q, the following hold:
I. a*a = a
II. There is a unique x in q so that x*a = b
III. (a*b)*c = (a*c)*(b*c)
If Q is the integers and a*b = 2b-a, then (Q,*) is a quandle.
See math, nerd, knot, wizard
a quickie fondle
I saw her/him on the way to class and stopped for a quandle.
See quickie, sex, heavy petting, outercourse, casual sex
"quake fondle", ie. heavy pettingunder conditions of extreme cold, as to cause shivering. Often preceding sexoutside.
We quandled for hours in the snow.
See sex, outercourse, cold, outside, snow