Quant Jock

What is Quant Jock?


One who is exceptionally skilled in quantitative analysis. More often than not using Microsoft Excel, Crystal Ball, SPSS, etc. Generally someone in the fixed income securities or option trading fields who makes twice as much money trading on their own than at their job.

and here in the smallest cubicle is LiWei, our resident Quant Jock.

LiWei say hi.

"=IF(OR(C$4$=0,C$4$=NA),"Hello my name is LiRizzle",Ctrl+Alt+Del)

See trader


One who is exceptionally skilled in quantitative analysis. More often than not using Microsoft Excel, Crystal Ball, SPSS, etc. Generally someone in the fixed income securities or option trading fields who makes twice as much money trading on their own than at their job.

and here in the smallest cubicle is LiWei, our resident Quant Jock.

LiWei say hi.

"=IF(OR(C$4$=0,C$4$=NA),"Hello my name is LiRizzle",Ctrl+Alt+Del)

See trader


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