Quantum Four Square

What is Quantum Four Square?


QFS is an adaptation of the old school playground version of childhood foursquare. Quantum Four Square is played on a square court divided into four smaller squares that meet in the center. The combination of worldwide styles in OS foursquare has led to an intense and competitive design of play using a tennis ball. QFS is gaining popularity amongst teachers and students in their classrooms. The QFS International Alliance Board of Representative Trustees is based in San Diego and run tournaments monthly.

1. Yo dawg, hows about a game of Quantum Four Square

2. Are we up for some QFS homie?

3. What you doing? I am out to play some QFS with the peeps.

See qfs, four square, quantum


QFS is an adaptation of the old school playground version of childhood foursquare. Quantum Four Square is played on a square court divided into four smaller squares that meet in the center. The combination of worldwide styles in OS foursquare has led to an intense and competitive design of play using a tennis ball. QFS is gaining popularity amongst teachers and students in their classrooms. The QFS International Alliance Board of Representative Trustees is based in San Diego and run tournaments monthly.

1. Yo dawg, hows about a game of Quantum Four Square

2. Are we up for some QFS homie?

3. What you doing? I am out to play some QFS with the peeps.

See qfs, four square, quantum


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