Quarantine Area

What is Quarantine Area?


A danger zone (not the kenny loggins type) which causes any entrants hygiene to deteriorate rapidly and then contract various STDs. Condition worsens exponentially depending on a few things:

A) How long said person is in said zone.

B) If said person is naked while in said zone.

C) If a person touches anything while in said zone.

Interestingly enough, if a person is a permanent resident of the quarantine area they develop an immunity to the various ailments which can afflict mere mortals.

Holy guacamole Marlynn, Whit and James' room is a Quarantine Area! You had better get out of their quickly while your teeth are still white and your blood stream still pure!

See shit hole


A danger zone (not the kenny loggins type) which causes any entrants hygiene to deteriorate rapidly and then contract various STDs. Condition worsens exponentially depending on a few things:

A) How long said person is in said zone.

B) If said person is naked while in said zone.

C) If a person touches anything while in said zone.

Interestingly enough, if a person is a permanent resident of the quarantine area they develop an immunity to the various ailments which can afflict mere mortals.

Holy guacamole Marlynn, Whit and James' room is a Quarantine Area! You had better get out of their quickly while your teeth are still white and your blood stream still pure!

See shit hole


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