
What is Quarft?


A Quarft is basicly when a girl queefs and sharts at the same time. It will ususally leave a bloody/shitty stain on the surface in which it was released. Sometimes a horrible odor will follow.

"Dude, I can believe we took the girls camping.....there's a huge fucking QUARFT stain all over my Fuckin' sleeping bag. Damnit Ally you dirty slut."

See quarft, shart, queef, shit, fart, period, stain, bloody


A Quarft is basicly when a girl queefs and sharts at the same time. It will ususally leave a bloody/shitty stain on the surface in which it was released. Sometimes a horrible odor will follow.

"Dude, I can believe we took the girls camping.....there's a huge fucking QUARFT stain all over my Fuckin' sleeping bag. Damnit Ally you dirty slut."

See quarft, shart, queef, shit, fart, period, stain, bloody


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