What is Quarterback For The Buckaneers?
The coolest halloween costume ever. Made of several quarters on one's back in the shape of a Q.B. (Quarter-back) Then a single dollar bill is taped onto each ear. (Buck-an-ear) Whoever wears this costume is everybody's favorite kid.
Old Lady: What?? What are you?!
Two kids: A cereal killer and a quarterback for the buckaneers
(kid 1 turns around to show the quarters)
Old Lady: What?! That's not a real costume!!
Two kids: Wait, can we have candy
Old Lady: NOOOOOooo!!!!
The coolest halloween costume ever. Made of several quarters on one's back in the shape of a Q.B. (Quarter-back) Then a single dollar bill is taped onto each ear. (Buck-an-ear) Whoever wears this costume is everybody's favorite kid.
Old Lady: What?? What are you?!
Two kids: A cereal killer and a quarterback for the buckaneers
(kid 1 turns around to show the quarters)
Old Lady: What?! That's not a real costume!!
Two kids: Wait, can we have candy
Old Lady: NOOOOOooo!!!!