
What is Quarters?


Two or more players take turns setting a quarter into spin on a flat surface (usually a table). An opponent attempts to stop the coin on its edge in an upright position with one finger. Pretty tricky. Success = escape from extreme pain. If you can't prevent the coin from falling flat on the table you have to stand, make a fist, and place your knuckles flat on the table such that they face your opponent. He (or she?) uses a thumb (and probably a terrible amount of force) to slide the quarter at your knuckles, keeping the coin flat on the table surface. A good player will never miss and have you bleeding in the first round.

*this is only a drinking gameinsofar as no one in his right mind would dream of playing unless grossly intoxicated.

(don't worry, you can tell people you busted your hands kicking someone's ass)

Quarters is the official town sport of Greene, Maine.


A drinking game in which 2 or more players try to bounce a quarter into a shot glass. Whichever player misses first then does a shot of some form of liquor. Can be also changed into a form of Horse in which one player will attempt a difficult shot and the other player(s) must match the feat.

We played quarters until i puked.

See drinking games, horse, beer pong


1) coins worth 25 cents

2) a place to live or sleep

3) a drinking game in which you bounce quarters into a cup

1) I bought jo mamafor a couple of quarters.

2) Jo mamastayed in quarters last night.

3) It would take about 50 games of quarters before I'd even consider bangin' jo mama

See Nick D


The section of small Southern towns which are mostly tar paper shacks with polythene windows. Out back is the outhouse and in front is a Benz, a Lincoln, and a pickup truck on blocks. In other words -- a rural ghetto. The word is derived from slave quarters, and appears frequently in Harry Crews' novels.

The Riverdale neighborhood of Detroit reminds me of the quarters in Florence South Carolina.

See slum, ghetto, coontown, niggertown


A game consisting of about 4 to 7 people. There is a cup (middle cup) in the center of the table filled to the top with beer. Everyone has a cup in the center of the table, around the middle cup, filled to the half way point with beer.

Someone starts off with the quarter and they try to bounce it into someones cup. Whoever owns the cup it landed in has to drink. But if it lands in the middle cup everyone has to drink, and the last one to put their cup down has to drink the full middle cup. And the quarter goes to the next player. This game can last for hours. It doesn't usually end until everyone is drunk.

"Dang I got so drunk playing Quarters last night."

See beer, games, fun, drunk, drinking


military "verbal shorthand" for "Confinement to Quarters," most often for medical reasons such as acute viral respiratory infections that are disabling and highly contagious but NOT so severe as to require any hospital stay.

I got the latest Creeping Crud, so doc put me on Quarters for the next three days.

See quarantine, restriction, isolation


A Bloody game in which 2 or more people try to stop a spinning quarter with one finger without it tipping and falling flat on the ground. The key to the game is to try to stop the coin while it's still spinning. Someone must spin the coin and the oppanate must try to stop if, if successful he can launch the coin at the person who spun it at his knuckles. When you play this game for a long time your knuckles will bleed unless your playing some weakling

Jack: Hey you ready for another game of quarters?

Mehoff: Yea right you'd own my ass!

See Jack Mehoff


Two or more players take turns setting a quarter into spin on a flat surface (usually a table). An opponent attempts to stop the coin on its edge in an upright position with one finger. Pretty tricky. Success = escape from extreme pain. If you can't prevent the coin from falling flat on the table you have to stand, make a fist, and place your knuckles flat on the table such that they face your opponent. He (or she?) uses a thumb (and probably a terrible amount of force) to slide the quarter at your knuckles, keeping the coin flat on the table surface. A good player will never miss and have you bleeding in the first round.

*this is only a drinking gameinsofar as no one in his right mind would dream of playing unless grossly intoxicated.

(don't worry, you can tell people you busted your hands kicking someone's ass)

Quarters is the official town sport of Greene, Maine.


A drinking game in which 2 or more players try to bounce a quarter into a shot glass. Whichever player misses first then does a shot of some form of liquor. Can be also changed into a form of Horse in which one player will attempt a difficult shot and the other player(s) must match the feat.

We played quarters until i puked.

See drinking games, horse, beer pong


1) coins worth 25 cents

2) a place to live or sleep

3) a drinking game in which you bounce quarters into a cup

1) I bought jo mamafor a couple of quarters.

2) Jo mamastayed in quarters last night.

3) It would take about 50 games of quarters before I'd even consider bangin' jo mama

See Nick D


The section of small Southern towns which are mostly tar paper shacks with polythene windows. Out back is the outhouse and in front is a Benz, a Lincoln, and a pickup truck on blocks. In other words -- a rural ghetto. The word is derived from slave quarters, and appears frequently in Harry Crews' novels.

The Riverdale neighborhood of Detroit reminds me of the quarters in Florence South Carolina.

See slum, ghetto, coontown, niggertown


A game consisting of about 4 to 7 people. There is a cup (middle cup) in the center of the table filled to the top with beer. Everyone has a cup in the center of the table, around the middle cup, filled to the half way point with beer.

Someone starts off with the quarter and they try to bounce it into someones cup. Whoever owns the cup it landed in has to drink. But if it lands in the middle cup everyone has to drink, and the last one to put their cup down has to drink the full middle cup. And the quarter goes to the next player. This game can last for hours. It doesn't usually end until everyone is drunk.

"Dang I got so drunk playing Quarters last night."

See beer, games, fun, drunk, drinking


military "verbal shorthand" for "Confinement to Quarters," most often for medical reasons such as acute viral respiratory infections that are disabling and highly contagious but NOT so severe as to require any hospital stay.

I got the latest Creeping Crud, so doc put me on Quarters for the next three days.

See quarantine, restriction, isolation


A Bloody game in which 2 or more people try to stop a spinning quarter with one finger without it tipping and falling flat on the ground. The key to the game is to try to stop the coin while it's still spinning. Someone must spin the coin and the oppanate must try to stop if, if successful he can launch the coin at the person who spun it at his knuckles. When you play this game for a long time your knuckles will bleed unless your playing some weakling

Jack: Hey you ready for another game of quarters?

Mehoff: Yea right you'd own my ass!

See Jack Mehoff


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