Que About It?

What is Que About It??


A term coined in public school Spanish class rooms. Combining Spanish and English it means: What about it? Typically used in a derogatory sense. Not meant to be said with a smile or a happy inflection. Will result in an offended victim. Expect Gasps from everyone in earshot.

*May also exchange 'it' for any other pronouns, including, but not limited to: he, she, etc.

"You were late 7 times this week!"

"Que about it?"

"My grandma just died..."

"Que about it?"

"Did you hear about that baby scalder?!"

"Que about her?"

See spanish, que, about, it


A term coined in public school Spanish class rooms. Combining Spanish and English it means: What about it? Typically used in a derogatory sense. Not meant to be said with a smile or a happy inflection. Will result in an offended victim. Expect Gasps from everyone in earshot.

*May also exchange 'it' for any other pronouns, including, but not limited to: he, she, etc.

"You were late 7 times this week!"

"Que about it?"

"My grandma just died..."

"Que about it?"

"Did you hear about that baby scalder?!"

"Que about her?"

See spanish, que, about, it


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