Que Pedo Trais Buey?

What is Que Pedo Trais Buey??


A challenge to fight. Mexican slang. When one Mexican mad dogs another Mexican, it is the usual reply. Directly meaning "what the fuck you trippen on, asshole?" Or "what the fuck is your trip asshole?" A usual reply when a stranger get's involved in another's arguement. A reply when a stranger gives another a dirty look.

Roberto walked down the streets of East Los Angeles. A group of cholos standing on the corner looked at him as he walked by and said :"Que pedo trais buey?"

See i, don't, have, any, tags, right, now


A challenge to fight. Mexican slang. When one Mexican mad dogs another Mexican, it is the usual reply. Directly meaning "what the fuck you trippen on, asshole?" Or "what the fuck is your trip asshole?" A usual reply when a stranger get's involved in another's arguement. A reply when a stranger gives another a dirty look.

Roberto walked down the streets of East Los Angeles. A group of cholos standing on the corner looked at him as he walked by and said :"Que pedo trais buey?"

See i, don't, have, any, tags, right, now


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