
What is Quee?


when something appears to be gay or femme or for gay people

dude that pink shirt is fuckin' quee

See queer, gay, fag, fruit, gee


A less harsh way of calling someone queer. This word was made up by two beautiful girls named Piper and Ellie.

Ellie: "Dude, Bill and Matt are so quee for thinking they invented this word..."

Piper: "Hella, they are queerods. Sucks for them that they aren't gnarkill like us."

See gay, queer


1. To pee

2. To need to pee

Oooh i really need to quee!

"Quee?" - to be used when asking another girl do you wanna go to the toilets

See pee, toilet, girl, together, bathroom


when something appears to be gay or femme or for gay people

dude that pink shirt is fuckin' quee

See queer, gay, fag, fruit, gee


A less harsh way of calling someone queer. This word was made up by two beautiful girls named Piper and Ellie.

Ellie: "Dude, Bill and Matt are so quee for thinking they invented this word..."

Piper: "Hella, they are queerods. Sucks for them that they aren't gnarkill like us."

See gay, queer


1. To pee

2. To need to pee

Oooh i really need to quee!

"Quee?" - to be used when asking another girl do you wanna go to the toilets

See pee, toilet, girl, together, bathroom


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