Queened Out

What is Queened Out?


A homosexual man who exaggerates feminine characteristics in various situations, usually when the situation calls for him to behave masculine. This usually, but not always, occurs when the homosexual man is in a confrontation or is simply not getting his way.

"David queened out on me when I told him I couldn't take him to the mall on Tuesday."

"John queened out at his job interview, and he wonders why he didn't get the job."

"Nathan the muscle stud at the gym queened out last night when I took him home and got him naked."

See queen, queer, gay, fag, homo


A homosexual man who exaggerates feminine characteristics in various situations, usually when the situation calls for him to behave masculine. This usually, but not always, occurs when the homosexual man is in a confrontation or is simply not getting his way.

"David queened out on me when I told him I couldn't take him to the mall on Tuesday."

"John queened out at his job interview, and he wonders why he didn't get the job."

"Nathan the muscle stud at the gym queened out last night when I took him home and got him naked."

See queen, queer, gay, fag, homo


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