Queenie Quit

What is Queenie Quit?


Queenie Quit is when you do something so incredibly drastic for a girl, thinking it will win her affections for you. The phrase comes from the John Updike short-story "A&P" where the main character quits his job after his boss throws an attractive girl named "Queenie" and her friends out for wearing bikinis into a grocery store, thinking they'll want to hang out. They didn't.

"Marie wants her old job back but the boss is giving her the run around. I told him I'd quit if he didn't hire her back"

"Ah threatening a Queenie Quit, huh?"


See girls, love, life, failure, work


Queenie Quit is when you do something so incredibly drastic for a girl, thinking it will win her affections for you. The phrase comes from the John Updike short-story "A&P" where the main character quits his job after his boss throws an attractive girl named "Queenie" and her friends out for wearing bikinis into a grocery store, thinking they'll want to hang out. They didn't.

"Marie wants her old job back but the boss is giving her the run around. I told him I'd quit if he didn't hire her back"

"Ah threatening a Queenie Quit, huh?"


See girls, love, life, failure, work


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