Queen's University

What is Queen's University?


Located in Kingston, Ontario; Queen's University boasts some of the most prestigious undergraduate and graduate programs in all of Canada. Along with McGill and UWO, it is among the highest of Canadian Ivy League Universities. Queen's University is well known for its intense school spirit, and predominantly Caucasian student body.

You should be jealous that I go to Queen's University.

See kingston, ontario, ivy league, mcgill, uwo


A school where people train to become professional snobs.

Person 1: "Man, Alex has become kind of a snob."

Person 2: "That's because he goes to Queen's University."

See queen's university, queen's


Located in Kingston, Ontario; Queen's University boasts some of the most prestigious undergraduate and graduate programs in all of Canada. Along with McGill and UWO, it is among the highest of Canadian Ivy League Universities. Queen's University is well known for its intense school spirit, and predominantly Caucasian student body.

You should be jealous that I go to Queen's University.

See kingston, ontario, ivy league, mcgill, uwo


A school where people train to become professional snobs.

Person 1: "Man, Alex has become kind of a snob."

Person 2: "That's because he goes to Queen's University."

See queen's university, queen's


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