
What is Queensbridge?


a 96 building project (not 6 building), forming a 6 block radius from its center in 41st avenue in between 21st street and vernon blvd in Queens NY. Currently the largest public housing complex in North America.

Im from Queensbridge, and I am still alive

See AM


n) The name of a six building (six stories each) housing project in Long Island City (NY), a section of Queens. 40 side and 41st side refer to the 40th street side of the buildings 41st street side of the buildings. Home of Nas and Mobb Deep.

Home Of Nas And Mobb Deep

See ac


A sexual act where a naked man squats over a woman's face resting his testicles on the bridge of her nose.

The name is derived from New York's Queensbridge Projects but was not originiated there.

Also the act of mimicing this act by placing the two first fingers of a hand spread on either side of ones nose. This is a joke refering to the term.

Yo, that dude just queensbridged me.

See queensbridge, queens bridge, qb


a 96 building project (not 6 building), forming a 6 block radius from its center in 41st avenue in between 21st street and vernon blvd in Queens NY. Currently the largest public housing complex in North America.

Im from Queensbridge, and I am still alive

See AM


n) The name of a six building (six stories each) housing project in Long Island City (NY), a section of Queens. 40 side and 41st side refer to the 40th street side of the buildings 41st street side of the buildings. Home of Nas and Mobb Deep.

Home Of Nas And Mobb Deep

See ac


A sexual act where a naked man squats over a woman's face resting his testicles on the bridge of her nose.

The name is derived from New York's Queensbridge Projects but was not originiated there.

Also the act of mimicing this act by placing the two first fingers of a hand spread on either side of ones nose. This is a joke refering to the term.

Yo, that dude just queensbridged me.

See queensbridge, queens bridge, qb


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