Queer Thirty

What is Queer Thirty?


When a red neck cannot find a female companion for the night and has no other choice than to become a homosexual in order to get laid...kind of like "beerthirty" but pertaining to homosexualality. OR, its just something funny to say when you're standing around with your drinking buddies and your trying to freak them out by saying something off color...

"..welp(in a hick like or country accent)non of these chicks here are giving us the time of day..I do believe it is queer thirty.."


"..sup dudes?...man this place/bar/party etc etc is kinda gay(boring/dead/chick-less)..I DO believe is QUEER THIRTY..."


Something that is just plain gay or pertaining to something homosexualism or faggy.


something you would say right after you get badnews for instance if someone hit your car, dropped your guitar or if its raining on the day of an outside concert you were planning on attending..your favortie clothes or shirt gor ruined or has a stain...etc..etc

See lameness, gayness, annoying


Any time a guy imbibes a chick drink.

It's queer thirty, can I get an Appletini.

See chick drink, beer thirty


When a red neck cannot find a female companion for the night and has no other choice than to become a homosexual in order to get laid...kind of like "beerthirty" but pertaining to homosexualality. OR, its just something funny to say when you're standing around with your drinking buddies and your trying to freak them out by saying something off color...

"..welp(in a hick like or country accent)non of these chicks here are giving us the time of day..I do believe it is queer thirty.."


"..sup dudes?...man this place/bar/party etc etc is kinda gay(boring/dead/chick-less)..I DO believe is QUEER THIRTY..."


Something that is just plain gay or pertaining to something homosexualism or faggy.


something you would say right after you get badnews for instance if someone hit your car, dropped your guitar or if its raining on the day of an outside concert you were planning on attending..your favortie clothes or shirt gor ruined or has a stain...etc..etc

See lameness, gayness, annoying


Any time a guy imbibes a chick drink.

It's queer thirty, can I get an Appletini.

See chick drink, beer thirty


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