
What is Questing?


The act of pursuing a person of sexual interest. Almost always with the intention of scoring a hook up.

Dude, John's been questing on her ass all night.

See quest, questing, flirt, flirting


The act of playing EverQuest, an online role-playing game similar to World of Warcraft, often for hours at a time.

Ali: What is Eric doing?

Rhonda: Questing.

Ali: Still!?

Rhonda: Yes, he has been Questing all day.

See everquest, evercrack, eq, role-playing


the act of going on a quest

one time we went questing

See quest, random, fun, crazy, bored


The act of pursuing a person of sexual interest. Almost always with the intention of scoring a hook up.

Dude, John's been questing on her ass all night.

See quest, questing, flirt, flirting


The act of playing EverQuest, an online role-playing game similar to World of Warcraft, often for hours at a time.

Ali: What is Eric doing?

Rhonda: Questing.

Ali: Still!?

Rhonda: Yes, he has been Questing all day.

See everquest, evercrack, eq, role-playing


the act of going on a quest

one time we went questing

See quest, random, fun, crazy, bored


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