
What is Quiche?


Female genitalia.

Can be used in numerous ways often with hilarious consequences when situated near a buffet...

"X has got a cheesy quiche" (Often sung)

"Oh, crusty quiche"

"Look at that fork-in quiche" (See what we did there)


Quiche is a slang term for a situation that is hot, sweaty or sticky.

'Turn the heating down me Julie, it's a bit quiche in here'

See hot, sweaty, humid, horrible, sticky


slang for fat person, normally used to describe an over-weight female

"She's alright for a quiche!"

"I wouldn't mind doing a quiche, just for the craic"

"Carl pulled an absolute quiche last night!"

See fat, obese, tubby, massive


Someone passing out halfway through an afterparty.

Lewis Sparkes has Quiched out, Quiching out, Quiched.

See quiche, keech, keeshed


"It's just a f**king omelette inside of a pie crust."

"Guys will eat an omelette and a pie crust separately, but the d**kheads won't eat it together. I'm down with quiche, and f**k anyone else that ain't."


Pie-like dish made with eggs, and followed by spinach, mushrooms or some other filling.

I don't like eggs so I guess I won't be having quiche for dinner.

See Saints


adj. 1. a rich, unsweetened custard pie with egg filling; 2. derogatorily used to describe a person who is unsubstantial and carries pretensions, or is disingenuous.

He likes to think he's interesting but he's such a flake - he's so quiche.

See hipster, scenester, pretentious, snob, diva, fluffy


Female genitalia.

Can be used in numerous ways often with hilarious consequences when situated near a buffet...

"X has got a cheesy quiche" (Often sung)

"Oh, crusty quiche"

"Look at that fork-in quiche" (See what we did there)


Quiche is a slang term for a situation that is hot, sweaty or sticky.

'Turn the heating down me Julie, it's a bit quiche in here'

See hot, sweaty, humid, horrible, sticky


slang for fat person, normally used to describe an over-weight female

"She's alright for a quiche!"

"I wouldn't mind doing a quiche, just for the craic"

"Carl pulled an absolute quiche last night!"

See fat, obese, tubby, massive


Someone passing out halfway through an afterparty.

Lewis Sparkes has Quiched out, Quiching out, Quiched.

See quiche, keech, keeshed


"It's just a f**king omelette inside of a pie crust."

"Guys will eat an omelette and a pie crust separately, but the d**kheads won't eat it together. I'm down with quiche, and f**k anyone else that ain't."


Pie-like dish made with eggs, and followed by spinach, mushrooms or some other filling.

I don't like eggs so I guess I won't be having quiche for dinner.

See Saints


adj. 1. a rich, unsweetened custard pie with egg filling; 2. derogatorily used to describe a person who is unsubstantial and carries pretensions, or is disingenuous.

He likes to think he's interesting but he's such a flake - he's so quiche.

See hipster, scenester, pretentious, snob, diva, fluffy


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