What is Quick Service Restaurant?


The industry uses "quick service restaurant" instead of " fast food" now, probably to get rid of the cheap, greasy, unhealthy stigma that comes with the "fast food" label. Often shortened to QSR among the owners and suppliers.

Taco Bell is often called a Fast Food Restaurant, but the PR people would prefer to call it a Quick Service Restaurant instead.

"What kind of POP do you have for QSRfranchisees?"

See fast food, qsr, drive-thru, junk food, take out, drive thru


The industry uses "quick service restaurant" instead of " fast food" now, probably to get rid of the cheap, greasy, unhealthy stigma that comes with the "fast food" label. Often shortened to QSR among the owners and suppliers.

Taco Bell is often called a Fast Food Restaurant, but the PR people would prefer to call it a Quick Service Restaurant instead.

"What kind of POP do you have for QSRfranchisees?"

See fast food, qsr, drive-thru, junk food, take out, drive thru


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