Quick Smart

What is Quick Smart?


Australian phrase meaning: On the double. Super quick. ASAP. Right now. Without having a wank first.

I got attacked by an angry midget with a knife so I ran off quick smart.

Some fat chick at the party had it bad for me, so I left quick smart.

You better get that filing done quick smart, Johnson, 'fore I slap you upside the face.

See on the double, asap


Australian phrase meaning: On the double. Super quick. ASAP. Right now. Without having a wank first.

I got attacked by an angry midget with a knife so I ran off quick smart.

Some fat chick at the party had it bad for me, so I left quick smart.

You better get that filing done quick smart, Johnson, 'fore I slap you upside the face.

See on the double, asap


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