
What is Quiffer?


quiffer is a pusy fart

you are a fucking quiffer

See jennifer


A person who likes to sniff bicycle seats

Dude look at Randy sniffing Carl's bicycle seat! What the fuck is that? What a fucking quiffer.

See bicycle, sniff, smell, dirty, whore, bike, dyke, inhale, dumbass


a extremly camp man

Dale winton is a right fucking quiffer


quiffer is a pusy fart

you are a fucking quiffer

See jennifer


A person who likes to sniff bicycle seats

Dude look at Randy sniffing Carl's bicycle seat! What the fuck is that? What a fucking quiffer.

See bicycle, sniff, smell, dirty, whore, bike, dyke, inhale, dumbass


a extremly camp man

Dale winton is a right fucking quiffer


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