
What is Quijibo?


A fat, balding, North American ape with no chin. First used in a Scrabble by Bart Simpson.

That quijibo can't play ball. His gut keeps gettin in the way.

See mogre, kwyjibo, yo-yo, fatty, ape


large hairy mammal of springfield origin; typically occupies themselves by eating donuts while operating control systems of a nuclear power plant; endulges in duff beer; ape-like in size and talks like homer simpson


Homer was described as a 'quijibo' by his son, Bart Simpson, during a scrabble game.

See quijibo, homer simpson, homer, bart


A fat, balding, North American ape with no chin. First used in a Scrabble by Bart Simpson.

That quijibo can't play ball. His gut keeps gettin in the way.

See mogre, kwyjibo, yo-yo, fatty, ape


large hairy mammal of springfield origin; typically occupies themselves by eating donuts while operating control systems of a nuclear power plant; endulges in duff beer; ape-like in size and talks like homer simpson


Homer was described as a 'quijibo' by his son, Bart Simpson, during a scrabble game.

See quijibo, homer simpson, homer, bart


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