
What is Quisqueya?


1. The original native name for the island that comprises the Dominican Republic and Haiti. In the Taino culture it stands for "Tierra Grande" or Great land. Columbus and the spaniards later renamed the island Hispaniola.

2. Hot Co-worker.

3. What Dominicans prefer to name their children, pets, beer, liquor stores and restaurants.

1. "Quisqueya" recalls Taino culture whereas "Hispaniola" recalls the Amerindian genocide.

2. Dude, that Quisqueya sure is hot.

3. Tell little Quisqueya, to take her puppy Quisqueya to the Quisqueya liquor store and get youa six-pax of Cerveza Quisqueya.


1. The original native name for the island that comprises the Dominican Republic and Haiti. In the Taino culture it stands for "Tierra Grande" or Great land. Columbus and the spaniards later renamed the island Hispaniola.

2. Hot Co-worker.

3. What Dominicans prefer to name their children, pets, beer, liquor stores and restaurants.

1. "Quisqueya" recalls Taino culture whereas "Hispaniola" recalls the Amerindian genocide.

2. Dude, that Quisqueya sure is hot.

3. Tell little Quisqueya, to take her puppy Quisqueya to the Quisqueya liquor store and get youa six-pax of Cerveza Quisqueya.


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