Quit At Life

What is Quit At Life?


To tell someone, usualy in a joking manner that they did something wrong.

Dude 1: Ha,ha remember last night on family guy when peter farted.

Girlfriend: Oh my god that was so funny!

Dude 2: Oh yeah that was episode 84!

Dude 1: Wow, quit at life.

See quit at life, suicide, whatever, ruined it, killed it


To tell someone, usualy in a joking manner that they did something wrong.

Dude 1: Ha,ha remember last night on family guy when peter farted.

Girlfriend: Oh my god that was so funny!

Dude 2: Oh yeah that was episode 84!

Dude 1: Wow, quit at life.

See quit at life, suicide, whatever, ruined it, killed it


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