
What is Quote-a-palooza?


When you have to write an essay about something i.e. a book, you fill this essay with as many quotes as you can in order to make your essay look more meaty and meet the page criteria of the teacher.

Person A: Hey man, did you finish your essay for english yet? I've been up all night and i still don't even have half the pages i need.

Person B: Yea ofcourse, i pulled a quote-a-palooza on that shit, i bet you that our D&D nerd teacher will give me an A+ on it too.

See essay, quotes, english


When you have to write an essay about something i.e. a book, you fill this essay with as many quotes as you can in order to make your essay look more meaty and meet the page criteria of the teacher.

Person A: Hey man, did you finish your essay for english yet? I've been up all night and i still don't even have half the pages i need.

Person B: Yea ofcourse, i pulled a quote-a-palooza on that shit, i bet you that our D&D nerd teacher will give me an A+ on it too.

See essay, quotes, english


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