Qusay And Uday

What is Qusay And Uday?


Any pair of thugs who are a pain in the ass for everyone else, taking revenge on the World because Daddy Saddam used to bugger them when they were kids.

Qusay and Uday are so mean becuz they miss Daddy Saddam's dick


A pair of bullet-riddled corpses.

If I were one of the soldiers who stormed Uday and Qusay's shack, I would empty my clips at them, reload, then fire again at their dead asses.


The sons of Saddam Hussein who were adjudged not fit to breed and were given an infusion of lead instead of vasectomies.

Qusay and Uday were rendered sterile by means of numerous implants of copper coated lead boluses of 5.56mm diameter.


Ixnay on Uday and Qusay with the bullet holes in the headray. Two dead Hussainis who were as dumb and cruel as their dad, the soon to be dead Saddam (-itte)

Shoot the kids and Daddy will cry.


Dead mother fuckers!!!

Those Hussein boys are some dead mother fuckers.


Any pair of thugs who are a pain in the ass for everyone else, taking revenge on the World because Daddy Saddam used to bugger them when they were kids.

Qusay and Uday are so mean becuz they miss Daddy Saddam's dick


A pair of bullet-riddled corpses.

If I were one of the soldiers who stormed Uday and Qusay's shack, I would empty my clips at them, reload, then fire again at their dead asses.


The sons of Saddam Hussein who were adjudged not fit to breed and were given an infusion of lead instead of vasectomies.

Qusay and Uday were rendered sterile by means of numerous implants of copper coated lead boluses of 5.56mm diameter.


Ixnay on Uday and Qusay with the bullet holes in the headray. Two dead Hussainis who were as dumb and cruel as their dad, the soon to be dead Saddam (-itte)

Shoot the kids and Daddy will cry.


Dead mother fuckers!!!

Those Hussein boys are some dead mother fuckers.


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