
What is Qwertarded?


The act of being keyboard-retarded

LuMpKiN: god i cant type

Nero: you're qwertarded

LuMpKiN: im just stating the truth

Nero: so am i

See qwerty, retard, retarded, qwert, keyboard, internetz


when someone cannot type worth a crap.

Bro:you need to stop c blocking

Sis: I will when you grow some balls and ask her out famn it

Bro: haha!! you're qwertarded

See qwertarded, funny, argument, deez, nutz


The act of being keyboard-retarded

LuMpKiN: god i cant type

Nero: you're qwertarded

LuMpKiN: im just stating the truth

Nero: so am i

See qwerty, retard, retarded, qwert, keyboard, internetz


when someone cannot type worth a crap.

Bro:you need to stop c blocking

Sis: I will when you grow some balls and ask her out famn it

Bro: haha!! you're qwertarded

See qwertarded, funny, argument, deez, nutz


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